VPN configuration

To obtain your configuration or generate a new one, please log in.

Log in

User guide

This guide is intended for all employees who need or want access to the office network in Karlin.

Basic information

VPN name: twisto_office
Address range:
Address range:
Available networks: Twisto office
Internet (requires manual setup which is out of scope of this guide)
DHCP options NONE

Installation and configuration

  1. Install OpenVPN. Version 2.4 or higher is required.

    Installation differs amongst operating systems. Detailed steps are out of the scope of this document. Please refer to OpenVPN_ documentation or your operating system documentation for further information.

    Windows - download installer and run it. OpenVPN GUI is also packaged with the installer. A step by step tutorial that guides you through the installation process is also available.

    Linux - use package manager of your distribution. You may install also NetworkManager and its extension for OpenVPN.

    Mac - Download Tunnelblick which contains required OpenVPN binaries and GUI.
  2. Login and obtain configuration from this page. Save it according to OpenVPN documentation for your platform.
  3. You are ready to connect now. Please note that you need superuser (administrator) privileges to do so.

    Please refer to OpenVPN or your operating system documentation how to start a VPN client.

DNS integration

OpenVPN server provisions each client with a set of DHCP options containing DNS configuration (DOMAIN and/or DOMAIN-SEARCH). Is is possible to configure DNS resolver on your computer using these options and forward queries to domain names used in internal networks to appropriate DNS servers.


If you're having troubles with connecting to VPN, please ask #dev-ops channel on Slack. Please, name your operating system, describe the problem you are having and attach your log file.